Sunday, February 9, 2020

February 9, 2020

Puerto Montt, Chile

Before I went to bed this morning (1:30 am), I decided I needed to make a decision about Easter Island.  I had booked an independent tour in the summer of 2018 and made a deposit never knowing how troublesome it can be to actually get on the island – it is a tender port.  Sherita had booked the same tour and had decided to forfeit the deposit and book a HAL tour.  A few days ago the port presentation on Easter Island was made and I began to worry.  It was discussed that tendering is often difficult (sometimes not being able to be done at all) and can be slow.  Sometimes the passengers who are not on the ship tours never get a chance to get off (ship tours have tender priority).  I thought and thought and finally decided that I really want to get ashore so, just after 1 am, I booked one of the tours still available.  While I was at it, I also booked my excursion for Komodo Island.

Puerto Montt is the first South American port of this cruise that I had not been to before.  In the port talk, Glenn-Michael said there was a handicraft market less than half a mile from the tender dock, so I decided to walk around. He had also mentioned there was yarn to be found in the market stalls.

I had already decided that I would wait to go ashore after tender tickets were no longer needed so I did not leave the ship until 10:30. The tender ride took about 15 minutes and I was looking at the craft stalls within 15 minutes of landing.  All kinds of items were for sale (including many that were not local).  There was lots of wool some even in the small stalls set up in the terminal.  Most of it was on the scratchy side although I did see some alpaca in the store Judy (Margaret) had told me about yesterday.  None of it “spoke” to me so I ended up not buying any.  In fact, my only purchase of the day was a $2 magnet.

I walked to the end of the road where the fish market was.  There were many families walking around, enjoying the beautiful weather, and having a snack or meal for Sunday lunch.  As I walked back, I looked at the yarn again but was not really tempted.

I was back on the ship by a little after one.  I changed clothes then had lunch in the Lido.  I was then able to swim for the first time in a couple of weeks.  The air and water temperature were perfect and I had the pool to myself for my entire hour swim.  I planned on sitting in the sun after my swim for about 20 minutes but I ended up snoozing and it was more like 40 minutes.  I then went to get dressed for trivia.

Since there has been a bit of a discussion on Cruise Critic about the origin of the questions, I decided to talk with one of the assistant cruise directors about this.  He said that most of the questions he uses come from lists given to him by other cruise directors, a data base of questions, as well as one list that came from a passenger who collected trivia questions.  He was nice enough to show me some of the lists he pulls questions from.

Only Diana and I were present so three people from another team (who also were missing teammates) joined us.  Since tonight is Oscar night, there were a few Academy Award related questions.  We ended up with 11.5 out of 19 and the winning team had 16.

1.Which Biblical place has a name that means “pleasure”?
2.Which 1992 film was only the third Western to win an Oscar and also got Clint Eastwood his first Best Director award?
3.Where are the world’s longest fjords?
4.What amphibian do you raise if you run a ranarium?
5.Besides the “The Godfather Part II”, what is the only other sequel to win an Oscar?
6.Who was the first man to swim the English Channel?

I stayed out on deck 9 as we sailed away from Puerto Montt.  The day was perfect and I think probably many of the people missing from trivia were at the sail-away party drinking $8.25 Pisco Sours.

I had so many pictures I decided I needed to put four together into the size of one.  A fellow blogger had told me how to do it but I could not make it work, so I spent about an hour and a half trying to find something that would work.  I have come up with a way but it is not very professional looking.  It anyone knows a good way to do this on a PC (that does not require purchasing expensive software), please let me know. 

Tonight’s was the first meal that I did not think was all that great.  I had the acai berry cold soup which was awful (or I just don’t like acai berries which I had never had before) and then I had a turkey tenderloin for the main course which was dry and had a strange sauce on it.  At least the pineapple crisp for dessert was good.

The Oscars were being shown on the Mainstage.  I walked down to see if any decorating had been done but there had not.  There were very few people there but only the red carpet pre-show was on.  This was at 9:30 so I doubt many others went to see it (it didn’t start until 10).  I heard many people say they would watch in their cabin.

Sea day tomorrow.

5.Lord of the Rings:  The Return of the King
6.Matthew Webb

Street Scenes

the closed stalls had cute paintings on them

Yarn, yarn, and more yarn

At the fish market

dried fish somethings

in the terminal

From the deck

Smooth sailing until next time!


  1. Download it is a free photo processing program. Great for resizing, adjusting colors etc. and the part for combining photos (as many as you want/horizontally or vertically)is simple to use.

  2. Thanks! When I get some good internet I will download it and try it.
