Monday, February 10, 2020

February 10, 2020

At Sea

Although my morning started out in my usual routine, the afternoon and evening were different.

We had all three Judys, Bonnie, Sherry, Sherita, and I at Sit & Stitch.  I left about 11:15 to pick up some more yarn for the Linus blanket I am working on.  I realized I had left my glasses in the Crow’s Nest, so after taking my bags back to my cabin, I went to get them before going to trivia.

Rodney was a little under the weather so he did not join us for trivia.  We had 11 out of 15 and the winners had 13.

1.What is in the “Red Data List”?

2.St. Augustine, Florida is the home to which sport’s Hall of Fame?

3.Halloumi is a semi-hard cheese from which Mediterranean island country?

4.What is the two-word term for the speed a rocket needs to be traveling to break free from the Earth’s gravity?

5.What is the largest of the Canary Islands?

I went straight to lunch in the Lido and it reminded me why I like to wait until 1 pm to eat.  The place was packed and there were lines for everything.  I found a place to sit out by the Lido Pool (that’s the mid-ship one).  I had to eat early because my time had come to be invited to the complimentary wine tasting that is a perk for four-star and above Mariners.  All the wines from the three wine packages sold onboard were available and you were free to try as many as you wanted as often as you wanted.  I tried a number that were recommended by some of my friends who were also there but decided the only one I actually liked was the Muscato that I always drink.

Judy (Lee) and her husband Rich saved us spaces for arts and crafts.  Janet also joined us.  It was her first time to try arts and crafts.  We made little pouches for money, cards, etc.

I then went back to my cabin to upload the remainder of the pictures from yesterday.  I also worked on my Linus blanket as the pictures were loading.  I got ready for the evening before trivia since I was eating at 5:30.

Bruce joined Diana, Marilyn, and me for afternoon trivia.  We had 13 out of 20 and five teams tied with 16.

1.What was the first Asian city to host the Summer Olympics?

2.What barnyard animals’ fat was used as the main ingredient in explosives through WWII?

3.What are the only two perennial vegetables?

4.What is the most commonly used word in written English?

5.What creature’s tongue weighs as much as a full grown elephant?

6.What does the SOS stand for in SOS pads?

I had a few minutes before dinner so I went to my cabin and did another row on my Linus blanket.

My travel agency, Cruise Specialists, had a dinner in the Canaletto for us.  It was one of nine they were having on this cruise because there are about 275 of us onboard that use them.  Sherita and I sat with Nancy who is also on Cruise Critic.  It was a great meal and we were done by a little after 7 pm.  I decided not to go to the show because I have an all-day excursion tomorrow which meets at 9:15 (meaning I need an early bedtime).

San Antonio, Chile tomorrow

Morning trivia

1.list of threatened species


4.escape velocity


Afternoon trivia



3.asparagus and rhubarb

4.the whale

6.Save our Saucepans

the little purse we made

 at the wine tasting

 the menu

 the very pretty salad

the three desserts

Smooth sailing until next time!

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