Thursday, February 6, 2020

February 6, 2020

Punta Arenas, Chile

Since Sherita and I had made plans to meet in the main square after her hiking excursion, I was able to sleep late.  When I woke up they were washing my window so I can see out again.  There were boxes and boxes of fresh fruit waiting to be loaded.

I left around 11:15 to take the shuttle bus to town.  Last year we were right in the city but Balmoral (a Fred Olson ship) was there today – evidently, we are too large to dock there.  We had to ride around the square three times before a space opened up for the bus to park.  I spoke to Judy (Margaret) and Pete as we got off the shuttle and they told me they had found another yarn store the last time they were here and they gave me the directions.  Since I had about two hours before Sherita was likely to arrive, I walked down to the artisans’ market and looked around.  I did not find anything I had to have.

I walked back to the square and took some pictures while I waited.  There were a number of large dogs sunning themselves in the square and they were quite friendly.  I sat in the sun which felt so good.  The temperature was in the mid-50s but the sky was a beautiful blue with only a few fluffy clouds.

Sherita arrived and we set off for the two yarn stores which were only about a block and a half apart.  Turns out both of them were closed mid-day and would reopen at 3 pm.  We stopped in at a little restaurant and had a coke and French fries.  I was very hungry since I had not had anything to eat all day.  We went back to both stores and I bought a little yarn but Sherita did not find anything she wanted.

As we were walking back to the square we bumped into Marilyn and Rodney.  They told us that a demonstration was planned for later this week because the government had promised good pensions but did not deliver.

We returned to the ship at 4:30. The fueling truck was right outside my window and it took quite some time to “fill ‘er up”.  I worked on my new Linus blanket while resting from another 4 mile plus walk (remember, I don’t walk at home – if I am lucky I walk 4 miles in a month!).

I ate in the Lido because there was trivia at 7:30 and music trivia at 8:30. Only Diana and I were there from our team so we played with two people whose teammates were also not there.  We had 15 out of 21 – the winners had 19.  There were way too many sport questions!

1.What does UPC stand for?

2.What jersey number was worn by Larry Bird?

3.From what material are the swords used in kendo made?

4.What is the only tournament on the US pro golf tour where the TV announcers are not allowed to talk about the prize money?

5.Who has the career record for the most Super Bowl touchdown receptions?

6.  What nation has the most total number of medals at the Winter Olympics?

7.How many different numbers are on a dart board?

From there many of us moved up to the Crow’s Nest where we had music trivia.  About half of them I had never heard of!

Sea day tomorrow.


1.Universal Product Code



4.The Masters

5.Jerry Rice


7. 20

 lots of fresh fruit to be loaded (as seen through my clean window)

the artisans' market

 inside the market

Bernardo O'Higgins who helped free Chile from Spanish rule

 about $1.19 per liter

one of the many dogs in the square

Sherita enjoying her fries

the yarn I bought - I'm thinking maybe a moebius cowl stole

another beautiful sunset (through my clean window)

Smooth sailing until next time!

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