Wednesday, February 5, 2020

February 5, 2020

Ushuaia, Argentina

Ushuaia is the southernmost city in the world (there are some towns further south but no cities) and is referred to as “Fin del Mundo” (End of the World).  The scenery is amazing but the temperature today was in the mid-40s(F) and it is the middle of summer!

I took a great excursion here last year (The Train to the End of the World) so my plan for today was to walk around the town.  We had an early departure time (all aboard was 1:30) so I was up and off the ship at 9:30. I walked up to the main street and walked the length of it which I did not have time to do last year.  I looked in the stores and found some items to spend the rest of my Argentinian pesos on.  I got back on the ship at 12:25.

Went to the Lido for lunch where Sherita found me and we made plans for tomorrow afternoon in Punta Arenas.  After putting my feet up and resting for a bit, we met in the Explorer’s Lounge to knit while sitting in the sun (so nice to see the sun again). 

We cruised through Glacier Alley in the afternoon.  I put on the coat, hat, gloves, and scarf again to go out on the deck to get pictures of the glaciers.  (I am so looking forward to warmer temperatures and going swimming again!)

Today’s schedule was very strange with trivia at 6:30 and Music trivia at 8:30. John and Sharon who are on the team next to us in the morning trivia games, joined Diana, Marilyn, Rodney, and me.  We won with 13 out of 15.

1.Which food item was originally introduced by Julius Caesar in 48 BC?

2.What is the common name for the brightest star in the night sky?

3.Where is the zygomatic arch in the body?

4.Which country was the first to use forks at the dining table?

5.What does a polyandric woman have more than one of?

6.What do Brazil, Uruguay, Mozambique, and Angola have in common?

I had dinner in the Lido before heading to the Crow’s Nest. We played two different music trivia games because the first was so hard.  It was on 70s music and almost every song was disco.  The second one was on TV themes which was much easier although we did not win either one.

Punta Arenas, Chile tomorrow.



2.Dog Star




6.they were Portuguese colonies

Street Scenes

A crocheted penguin chess set

Glacier Alley

this guy flew along side of us for about ten minutes - I think it is an albatross

 it was a lovely evening with a beautiful sunset

Smooth sailing until next time!

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