Saturday, February 22, 2020

February 21, 2020

At Sea

All of us were present for Sit and Stitch.  Sherita and I left at 11:30 to go to trivia.  We had 9 out of 15 but two teams had 10.

1.The movie “Whisky Galore” was based on the 1941 sinking of what ship?

2.Until 1973, Belize was known as what?

3.Which Dutch city is the city of light?

4.Hyperopia is the scientific name for what eye condition?

5.In October of 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced which calendar?

6.What British band released the hit single “Unbelievable” in 1990?

My fifth Linus blanket is coming along and I have finished about 25% of it.  Lunch in the Lido and then Arts & Crafts.  We made the earrings to match yesterday’s pearl necklace.  I then had to get ready for dinner because I was eating early at Sherita’s table.

Today’s scuttlebutt is not rumor – it was confirmed by Tomas.  We are getting two new assistant cruise directors tomorrow.  They are Spencer and Andrea.  I have not met anyone who knows them.

Afternoon trivia had us once again getting one off of the winning score (and we even talked about the right answer but ended up choosing the wrong one).  We had 19 out of 20 and the winners had a perfect score.

1.What is the most abundant element in the universe?

2.What was America’s first organized sport (1664)?

3.What is the world’s laziest animal, sleeping up to 22 hours a day?

4.Which Indonesian island ended the 20th century packed with 2326 people per square mile?

5.Who was the father of Cleopatra’s son?

After dinner I had time to post tomorrow’s sail-away thread and then go to the 7:30 show.  It was the second performance by Jesse Kazemek.  I then went to the Crow’s Nest for a game of Taboo.  There were only seven of us so Tomas played on our team.  We won 29 to 23.

I walked back to my cabin on the outside deck on 9 and it was beautiful with a sky full of stars.  I had been planning to stargaze before now but just hadn’t gotten to it so I went to my cabin to get my iPad which has the Star Chart app on it so I could tell what I was looking at.  In the five minutes it took me to go to my cabin and get back up to deck 9, it started raining.  My stargazing will have to wait for another night.

We gain another hour tonight and will then be on Tahitian time.  We will be in Papeete tomorrow.

Morning trivia

1.S.S. Politician

2.British Honduras





Evening trivia

1.hydrogen racing



5.Julius Caesar

my towel animal modeling my earrings and yesterday's necklace

Smooth sailing until next time!

1 comment:

  1. An assistant cruise director named Andrea was on our Veendam cruise in November...wondering if perhaps she is the one joining your cruise?

    Enjoying your blog each day although reading the trivia questions makes me realize how little I know!
