Tuesday, February 18, 2020

February 17, 2020

At Sea

To Sit and Stitch with Bonnie, all three Judys, and Sherita before trivia.  It was a dismal showing with only 4.5 out of 15 (the winners had 10).

1.What Frenchman wrote and published the first known printed version of “Little Red Riding Hood”?

2.What is a “heartsease”?

3.What is the fastest flying insect?

4.In what year was Spam introduced – 1942, 1937, or 1953?

5.In what part of the body would your find five metacarpals?

My Linus blanket is growing nicely and should be finished before Tahiti.  Lunch in the Lido before Arts & Crafts.  I was only able to stay long enough to hear the directions and get my materials before leaving to get ready for our Cruise Critic Cabin Crawl.  There was a great turnout with about 40 people participating.  We visited five different types of cabins. 

We did much better in afternoon trivia (17 out of 21) but the winners had 19.

1.Who was the witchdoctor on “Bewitched”?

2.What is IBM’s motto?

3.What beverage was first marketed as an “esteemed brain tonic”?

4.What Hollywood hit was marketed with the slogan. “65 million years in the making”?

5.The average male has 3000 of what?

I walked around outside and went up to the highest deck (Sky Deck, maybe?) and found the ship’s token which was one of the questions on the nautical trivia the other day.  It was a beautiful afternoon so I spent some time outside before getting ready for dinner.

Before I went to dinner I went by Guest Services and 1) turned in my form for French Polynesia saying I had not been to China in the last two weeks, 1) signed the check to have my passport stamped for Pitcairn Island, and 3) tell them that my water in the shower does not keep a constant temperature (10 seconds hot, 10 seconds cool).  Then to dinner after which I went to see the second performance of Abba Fab. 

We gain another hour tonight.

Another sea day tomorrow.

Morning trivia

1.Charles Perrault





Afternoon trivia

1.Dr. Bombay



4.Jurassic Park


Smooth sailing until next time!

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