Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 12, 2020

At Sea

Morning began with Sit & Stitch.  The entire group was there and we wound some of Sherita’s and Judy (Bob)’s yarn.

We were all present for trivia and we had 9 out of 15 and the winning teams (4 tied) had 11.

1.Tribology is the study of what?

2.Released in 1989, “Bleach” was the debut studio album by which rock band?

3.Which island was the dodo from?

4.Beethoven was born in which German city in 1770?

5.What strait connects the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman?

As usual, I worked on my Linus blanket (which is about 2/3 finished) and then went to lunch in the Lido.  When I got there, Sherita had already gotten us a table for arts and crafts.  We made Valentine earrings and Nancy gave us a heart pendant and necklace.

We are moving quite a bit so swimming laps was definitely not on my agenda.  Instead I sat in the sun for about 45 minutes and it felt wonderful.

We had too many people for trivia today so once again, Rodney played with another team.  We had 16 out of 19 but the winning team had a perfect score.

1)What country is home to the most cattle?

2.Who was Hamlet’s girlfriend?

3.What is the name for the fear of electricity?

4.What weather is predicted by a ring around the moon?

5.According to a Yale University study, what drink has the most recognizable aroma?

A little of the scuttlebutt on the ship.  We have lost two assistant cruise directors in the last week and are now down to the CD, Hamish, and the assistant CD, Tomas.  According to the official line they both left for family reasons.  The other major topic is how the Coronavirus may affect our itinerary.  Crystal Serenity was just barred from Tonga (where we are going in two weeks).  We also heard that some of the Caribbean islands are also refusing cruise ships.

After trivia I went to the library to try and construct a letter about our Cruise Critic roll call Cabin Crawl.  After almost thirty minutes of trying and failing, I headed to the dining room.  I had missed the notice that there was music trivia tonight but heard about it before trivia.  I was going to tell Billy (our waiter) that I was not going to be at dinner.  When I found him, he was taking orders from my “other” table.  They insisted that I sit down and eat with them.  I think it is the first time I have ever had dinner in the dining room without changing from my day clothes.

When we finished there was still an hour before the early show, so I went to my cabin and worked on my Linus blanket.  The show tonight was a comedian named Scott Harris.  He did a good show for this crowd about how things were different when we were kids.  At 8:30 I played music trivia.  The theme was “Motown”.  I am so bad at music trivia.

Another sea day tomorrow.

Morning trivia

1.friction, lubrication, and wear




5.Gulf of Hormuz

Afternoon trivia





 an early Valentine's present from my travel agency

 the earrings from Arts and Crafts being modeled by my towel bunny

the necklace Nancy gave us

Smooth sailing until next time!

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